Electrical Rewiring Glasgow
If you have just moved into your new home and realise that the electrics look dated and defective, you may have some faulty electrical compontents and some others misplaced. Homes that were built before the prevalence of TVs and computers have wanting wiring systems and therefore you should do a rewiring before you occupy. This is to ensure that your home is ready for the appliances; the fridges, computers and other electronics that require electric supply. Some people think repairs are sufficient for the worn our wires and electric systems but that is not true- doing an electric overhaul allows the electrician to do a perfect job that will last for years as opposed to repairs.
What is an electrical rewire?
A complete electrical rewire is where the electrics of a property are fault tested, measured for optimum peformance and potentially rewired by a professional electrician who has experience testing and replacing an electrical wiring system on a house or building. Any Glasgow property which has an existing wiring system which has faults due to age or poor installation is a worthwhile candidate for an electrical rewire. Upon diagnoses of recurring faults after vigorous testing, the electrician hired is best to remove the existing wiring and replace it with a new one capable of meeting the demands of the household and circuit. Testing with a deduction method is a key factor to determining why faults have occured and to ensure the replacement rewire has the correct remedy to prevent the problem from returning.
At worst, faulty electrics can be a serious fire hazard and can lead to injury or electrocution. This is why electrics were brought in to the building regulations under Part P. Existing wiring installations are not covered, but if you make significant alterations or new additions to the wiring in your home, the regulations come into force.
If you are thinking of buying a property more than 25 years old, it is important to check that the wiring is up to date before you buy. Ideally, you will get an idea of what work is required and an estimate of the likely cost so that you can take this into account when assessing the feasibility of the project and how much to offer.

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Signs your homes electrics need rewiring
When the electric system in your home isn’t working well, you cannot be comfortable. You are worried when the next fire may be up. Sometimes you want to do something but the connectivity doesn’t allow. This is quite disheartening and thus the need for a replacement of your electric system.
Following are some of the things that will tell that you need an electric system overhaul
If your home electric system hasn’t been replaced for a while
You may not notice a problem in your electric system until there is a fire breakout. Research shows that most of the home fires experienced in Glasgow and many other parts in the UK are as a result of faulty electricity and mostly resulting from outdated wires. As the wiring ages, the wires degrade and begin to breakdown. Old wires may also not handle fresh electricity demands- for instance, you may acquire some heavy consumers of electricity which you didn’t anticipate- thus the electric system may collapse or develop problems. If you have not rewired in the last few years, you’d better call in a professional to assess your system and recommend the best replacement system for your home.
When wires and switches appear discolored
Switches may be discolored because of a long stay in a dusty or smoky place but often it’s due to age. Wires that are loosely connected or degraded allow electricity to escape and this leads to sparks- an indication of a looming hazard. When it comes to electric connections, you cannot ignore, you just have to rewire your home. If you find some switches, or outlets that are discolored, then it is high time you replaced your electric system.
Some persistent smell of some burning plastic
When the electric connections in your house are loose, or faulty, you will often smell some sort of plastic burning inside the house. You may not see the electrical burning but the smell enough proof that something is wrong. A sparking wire is probably burning the plastic coating and the next thing could be a fire breakout. When you notice such, you must call in an expert to do a rewire.
When the lights flicker oftentimes
At some point, you may notice a consistent flicker of your lights- it could be that the bulbs are faulty but all bulbs cannot be faulty at the same time. That tells you that there are wires that are loose and thus need replacement. Flickering simply means that some of the wires are loose or inconsistent and no repairs can help, only a complete overhaul of the electrical system.
Tripping of the circuit breaker
When wires and other electrical connections are faulty, there occurs short-circuiting where live wires meet and to safe the system from further damage, the circuit breaker trips to disconnect the electric flow. If you notice consistent tripping of the circuit breaker, it is because of such power faults and therefore you need to do rewiring.
Benefits of rewiring your Glasgow home
It is obvious that having faulty electric connections is dangerous -it may lead to fires and damage to property. Whenever you see those sparks or smell burning plastic, it’s time you call in a professional to recommend for the best rewiring system. The following are some of the benefits of rewiring your home.
When you have the old wire connections, switches and all electrical removed and replaced with new ones, you are sure that the faults are no more and therefore there is no risk of fire. If you have a faulty system, you are always thinking about the worst that can happen and any funny noise or smell scares you. Rewiring gives you the peace of mind, knowing that everything is okay
Preventing appliance faults
When the wiring in your home is faulty, it affects your home appliances like fridges, computers, TVs and such electronics. Some may burn and others collapse which is a huge cost. Instead of incurring the cost of repairs and replacements of such appliances in your home, you’d better do a rewiring of your home.
It adds value to your property
Imagine selling your home with the same wiring system that was done some thirty or so years back; the wires, switches and all look discolored and sagging. Rewiring allows you to use a design that appeals to you and which improves the value of your home. It allows you to improve the value of your home through a modern wiring system.
Reduces your energy bills
When the cables and other connections are faulty, there is power leakage and this would mean that you pay for more than you have consumed a lot of what is lost through the leaks. Rewiring ensures that no power is lost and thus you consume what you need. This leads to low electricity bills.
Finding a Glasgow electrician to rewire your home
Your home has been having the same wiring system for a while and you have observed some challenges with connectivity. You must look for a professional electrician, someone who has the skills and experience to do a perfect job.
Following are some of the qualities to look out for in an electrician
“Pure eco solutions fitted electric heating in 3 flats that I own, they also rewired the electrics in one of them and replaced two fuse boxes, highly recommend them great tradesmen, sales, customer service and staff overall, 5*!”
Alan, Glasgow LandlordQualifications and certification
Before you hire an electrician, you need to confirm that they have the right training and certified by the relevant government department. There are several courses in Glasgow that one must train in so that they become better in their art. The training makes the electrician competent and confident in their work.
Relevant experience in the field
The adage that “experience is the best teacher” is so true especially when it comes to an electrician. The more electrical assignments one takes successfully, the more experienced they become. There are several challenges that the professional will be faced with and the more they overcome them, the better they become. Look for a rewiring company in Glasgow that has at least five years, they’ll give you value for money.
Qualifications and certification
Before you hire an electrician, you need to confirm that they have the right training and certified by the relevant government department. There are several courses in Glasgow that one must train in so that they become better in their art. The training makes the electrician competent and confident in their work.
Relevant experience rewiring houses
The adage that “experience is the best teacher” is so true especially when it comes to an electrician. The more electrical assignments one takes successfully, the more experienced they become. There are several challenges that the professional will be faced with and the more they overcome them, the better they become. Look for a rewiring company in Glasgow that has at least five years, they’ll give you value for money.
Your charges
You must have a set budget for everything and in this case, you have a budget allocation for rewiring your home. Therefore you need a company that meets your cost expectations. Beware of some companies that will post some seemingly low price quotations only to surprise you with hidden charges after they’ve done the job. A good electrician will always tell you the price approximates before the work begins so that you prepare in advance. They will also do a pre-visit to assess the work and help you prepare the necessary items.
Look for an honest electrician / company
When it comes to the service industry, honesty is the most important quality you have to look out for. You will need someone who will tell you the truth even when it is bitter. Money minded professional may do an assessment and tell you that repairs will do even for a seriously faulty electric system. A good electrician will tell you honestly what is required and a fair estimate of the cost of rewiring.
Up-to-date with technology
Things are changing and every other day, innovations are coming into the industry. A reliable electric will always update him/ herself with the advanced technology which saves time and uses better technology.
Ask for relevant paperwork to match the service warranty
If you want to know that an electrician is serious in their work, they will have a service warranty for a minimum of a year. This means if the system they installed develops some problems, they’ll come back and repair for free. If the person you landed doesn’t give warranties, continue searching.
Electrical rewire cost in Glasgow
The cost of rewiring in Glasgow ranges from one electrician to another. The determinant is the size of your home or property that you want rewiring done. For an ordinary living room of three bedrooms to five bedrooms, rewiring could cost you from £1800 for a one bedroom flat our house uo to £5000+ for a detached house with several bedrooms, the cost all depends also on how complicated the old and new system are.
Electrical Rewire F.A.Q from Glasgow homeowners
Looking for an electrician who has the expertise, experience and who can who meet your budget to rewire the electrics of your Glasgow homse?
1. How long does an electrical rewire take?
-For a 1-bedroom house, it takes about a day to do a complete rewiring.
– A two or three bed-roomed houses will take two days to rewire.
– A four and five bed roomed house will need six to seven days consecutively to finish the work
2. Can you come out and inspect to be sure it needs to be done?
-We are a professional rewiring company and we inspect every work done to ensure it is perfect.
3. Are you fully qualified and insured?
– Our electricians are well trained and licensed by the Glasgow licensing board. We also have comprehensive cover from a reliable insurance company.
4. What type of electrician should I look for?
Look for an electrician who has the expertise, experience and one who meets your budget.
5. How much does it cost to rewire my house?
The cost of rewiring your house will depend on the size of the property, including the number of overall rooms, bedrooms, number of residents, electrical appliancies and the condition of the existing electricas, however a rewire is approximately £1800 for a 1 bedroom flat or small house, £ – £5000+.
6. What areas of Scotland do you cover?
Our company is based in Glasgow but we operate in all areas of Scotland; south, North and all areas in Scotland.
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